Contact Details

Abdali Hospital - 25th floor - Amman - Jordan

+962 792 885 222

[email protected]

In case of colic, we advise to do the following: 1- Tummy massage 2- Play white noises 3- Consult with your pediatrician regarding giving gas medication 4- Probiotics are recommended to be tried 5- Sometimes you need to put in consideration that some illnesses like; Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Cow Milk Protein Allergy, Lactose Intolerance or Urine Infection may mimic Infantile Colic.
The baby feels satisfied after feeding plus their sleeping hours are within it's normal pattern and noticing their urine and stool out put. lastly; his weight gain.
Usually on demand but not less than twice a week.
Yes, you can. it is allowed to be given in the first 6 months of their lives.
It is recommended to give the extra vaccines like; Pneumococcal vaccine, Chickenpox and Meningococcal vaccines
Your child can drink water when they start consuming solid food which is usually around the age of 4 to 6 months and it can be determined on their monthly visits.
If your child is less than one month of age and is suffering from fever, then you must head to the ER immediately! If your child is older than one month, start with giving them fever reducers and evaluate; If it goes down and they become active then arrange for a visit with their pediatrician as soon as possible to determine the cause of the fever, if not head to the ER immediately!